2025-01-17 01:51:09
All the picture is massive masterpiece of inconsistencies
2025-01-17 06:48:00
#Pedroillusion keep in mind that I draw in photo shop and I am still a beginner at drawing The first cocks I had the Idea from meru pt2 moment, 2nd each image I had the idea of changing the cocks each image showing that she made 6 people cum. Ok I save some time not drawing the details of the hand, and feet alright I will upload a picture within 3 days with full details of both hands and feet. And her hair color is different in the last shot than others due to Photoshop filters that I use, like tone, contrast and brightness. And so what if I drew the exact same reference from the movie it's only extra parts that were not asked in the commission criteria. Alright I will prove you wrong I will work on an upload for free with all details of the feet and hands and we will see if it's "AI art" or not
2025-01-17 06:49:25
And thanks for pointing out the inconsistency in my art I will try to make it better.
2025-01-17 12:59:00
Honestly I hate AI artists but I don't think Zio Arts uses AI maybe his art is on a beginner level with the alot of inconsistency but i am sure he will improve. since the face of meru looks like the original art I don't think any AI can replicate it let's just wait unti he will upload another art and we will judge later..
2025-01-17 15:44:22
Ok, I'm freaking out. @ZioArt is not only a compulsive liar unable to accept that AI in his images, he now also creates fake profiles to comment on his images and defend himself. Or is it a coincidence that these accounts and are empty and only comment in favor of this person? He still chats with himself like here: meru-the-succubus-meru-the-succubus-kneecap-j . Seriously, why the admins don't do anything?
2025-01-17 15:49:10
And about @Pedroillusions images showing is AI, and @ZioArts saying he is learning to draw, I'm also an ART TEACHER, I work with *****ren that are start learning how to draw, I know the process, and its clearly, that mistakes are not by a human. XD
2025-01-17 15:50:19
ok, now result that the word "per son" and "chil dren" are not allowed here? XD
2025-01-17 16:35:24
Yooo, what did I do to you @PinkyCrocodile I am new to this platform and I commented on almost every post including yours to gain likability on this platform. I can see that some parts of @ZioArts work is AI like the first posts he did but I can see him improving his work more to drawing style. You say AI is driving new members of this platform away but I might leave soon due to wrongly being accused, I am actually thinking to commission you once I but some EV's.
2025-01-17 17:04:38
Okay to be 100% honest I don't create my picture from scratch but I don't use AI Art either I use free presets and alter them in Photoshop that's why it looks somewhat off. I will learn to do better art. It would take me atleast 3 weeks to create art from scratch. And if I work in Photoshop it doesn't make me an AI artist that I don't create images from scratch, I will upload a design for free and I will work on it from scratch this week.
2025-01-17 17:10:40
Oh my god. This is so insane! When your other alter-ego will respond me? XD
2025-01-17 17:40:19
Ok fine I use some AI work but it still takes me alot of time in Photoshop to edit it, I mean mant artists use AI and edit the images in PS, if you want I will stop doing commissions and only upload EV protected ART, fine by me. Many artists nowadays use AI and alter them in PS while making money from it.
2025-01-17 17:41:13
Next upload will be fully drawn ##PinkyCrocodile
2025-01-17 17:49:52
But those two accounts aren't mine
2025-01-17 18:00:39
wow! finally admiting it XD. Thats a progress XDD. And by the way, people who use AI are not artists. Sorry for broke your fantasy.
2025-01-17 18:02:40
Ok #PinkyCrocodile I will better myself and create original in the next upload with 0% AI generation.
2025-01-17 18:25:52
Well, lets see if thats true.
2025-01-17 18:27:46
2025-01-18 17:57:54
Zioarts, dude, if you need help learning or improving to drawing just tell me, I'll gladly teach you one or another thing. I'm not against artists using AI pictures to learn one or two things as long as the picture is used as a reference and not as the whole picture just edited.
2025-01-18 18:01:56
Alright I will be sure to message you if I will have any questions ?
2025-01-18 18:06:22
DM and I can teach you some things.
2025-01-18 18:17:25
I mean, if you DM right now or by the next hours I can teach you anything I can by the level you have right now.
2025-01-18 18:18:19
2025-01-20 10:12:57
Whentai Community check out my recent upload with no AI
2024-06-05 01:19:17
It's called X now and Elon Musk owes it and like the Tesla Car anything he owns has problems. I was able to sign in if that means anything. Before X and Musk someone hacked my account and I had to prove who I was to get back in.
2024-03-05 23:23:33
Almost anything has potential. Let's see what you do with it. One suggestion -- show entire bodies.
2023-11-21 16:28:11
Updated 56Evs have being taked [X] 75Evs is the next spot
2023-11-21 19:10:31
Updated 56Evs have being taked [X] 75Evs ... [X] 93Evs is the next spot
2023-11-21 22:22:33
Updated 56Evs have being taked [X] 75Evs ... [X] 111Evs... [X] 130Evs is the next spot Also if the bid ever reach over 223Evs it will include creampie
2023-11-22 03:05:56
Updated 56Evs have being taked [X] 75Evs ... [X] 111Evs... [X] 130Evs... [X] 152Evs is the next spot Also if the bid ever reach over 223Evs it will include creampie
2023-11-22 03:35:35
Update Current bid at 152Evs Next offer is 167Evs
2023-11-22 04:59:07
Update Current bid at 167Evs Next offer is 186Evs
2023-11-22 14:19:52
Update Current bid at 186Evs Next offer shoud be 204Evs
2023-11-22 20:01:20
Update Current bid at 223Evs Next offer shoud be 241Evs
2023-10-15 02:15:19
So you want 241 EVs or 75?
2023-10-15 07:32:51
Is an auction, the higher bid after the deadline wins the animation, you can bid from 75 up to 241 or higher if you feel confidence
2023-10-19 21:46:55
Maybe this External But where do I bid PM me the link?
2023-10-19 21:50:24
I dont see your link
2023-10-20 20:42:13
Do you want me to put a new commission up for this? I thought you were doing a request or something. I'm working on the pirate Nico comic for 5 more pages then I could put up an animation... BTW You left out the text on your Robin page.
2023-10-21 06:58:56
I mean that that your link dont wok
2023-10-21 17:21:05
Try it now External
2023-10-21 17:42:26
2023-10-22 20:15:07
External I'll PM in case this doesn't work
2023-10-22 22:17:07
2023-09-23 13:19:17
not even a clue of what it could be! but the desing of this timer on the game remember me of that game on windows (mines) well not that this is what you want to know!
2023-09-23 19:30:35
I don't like that kind of side-scrolling game. I'd love a hentai-style pokemon game. If a girl trainer loses a battle she gets screwed and all trainers shag their pocket monsters.
2023-09-23 20:16:39
Well I cant produce games anymore but I dont refuse to work with girls from Pokemon
2023-08-20 00:56:47
1- Ochaco Uraraka 2- Tsuyu Asui 3- Mina Ashido 4- Nejire Hado 5- Yui Kodai 6- Setsuna Tokage 7- Camie Utsushimi 8- Himiko Toga 9- MT Lady 10- Ragdoll 11- Burnin 12- Rei Todoroki
2023-08-20 13:20:52
2023-08-20 21:59:42
3 not sure who she is, but I like redheads How about Fio Germi Elsie Crimson Lucy Heartfilia Erza Knightwalker Elizabeth Liones Futaba Sakura kagari atsuko lotte yansson sucy manbavaran Natsumi Hinata Raphtalia(Shield Hero Anime) Tatsumaki (one punch man) Heavens Lost Property Ikaros R Dorothy Wayneright (big O)
2023-08-20 23:23:28
4- Nejire Hado fo the futa role 3- Mina Ashido for the girl role
2023-08-28 12:29:33
I was asked to: Nejire (Futa) and Mina
2023-07-18 17:36:45
well, there's these two External / External /
2023-07-18 18:18:00
Metamorphosis on the top of my mind
2023-07-18 18:18:46
Nvm, didn't click on the Link before typing
2023-07-18 19:38:36
Its quite popular from what I see, its likely the doujin with more comments I have ever see, Im surprised I never see it before considering I know another popular work from the same artist from almost a decade ago
2023-07-21 22:01:09
well maybe Chizuru-chan Kaihatsu Nikki would be one then! but i think it deppend on how you look at it! to me it's neither happy nor bad but well (the scene where she will say i love you and the **** come at her) i suppose it make more of a sad ending! but then again not quite sure it's not entirley one thing or the other it's a mix of both
2023-06-05 06:06:22
after you get your money i think it will be time to look for new places to work cuz this one is over (since i got in here it only got worse and wose on my perception)
2023-06-05 13:51:35
Well I really not planning to get another work here until this issue is solved, I was just trying to get the $100 minimum in commissions, so there shoulndt be any issues now
2023-06-05 19:44:58
After so many years of work of site, I am surprised that payouts are not sent automatically. It doesn't look good that artists have to ask for money they earn. A few years ago, I didn't see artists blogging about payout issues. I hope not be the beginning of the end of site.
2023-06-07 21:26:08
If u find another place pls tell me, i'm new to nsfw art and seeing all of these bugs in this site makes me wonder if i find another place (i'm almost completing 10 drawings !)
2023-06-08 00:14:49
@araarakink you should consider doing the commissions out of the site! (the client paying you out of here i mean, so the money goes directly to you instead of going to the site first) but still use it only as a gallery to expose yourself to possible new clients
2023-06-10 06:48:33
Hello. Now we see that you have reached the minimum payout. They will be produced early next week. And please write to us in the support chat if you have any problems.
2023-06-10 13:37:44
Well its a start at least... Remeber that I have $155 with my stored extra votes
2023-06-12 22:15:00
Yeah i have payments (more than 200usd) delayed from 2 weeks ago still not receiving them.
2023-05-23 16:23:02
Again payment issues. I also ask a commission payment and nothing yet. They said with crypto there was no delays and minimums and still didn't get my withdraw. :(
2023-05-24 06:20:28
Have you checked it doenst the same issue as the last time?
2023-05-29 00:14:28
Important update, now my amount of commissions is $74 + $47 in extra votes for a value of $121, I hope you take into consideration this extra amout even if I requested my payment a week ago I uploaded a new commission just a few minutes ago, I really, really, really hope admins can pay me in the next 2 days, even if they dindt see my request until now, my request still have a week old, so please the admin who see first, please some help with my payment
2023-05-19 04:30:11
Hahaha! I remember once watching an "American gladiators" movie... but can find things like this today: External
2023-05-19 04:49:03
Intesresting but sad is just a commercial which remind me a commercial of some porn site (Brazzers probably) with a girl with only a shirt and heels walking around an office
2023-05-22 16:18:27
unfortunately, mostly only japanese people make these crazy movies... I recommend "The king's game" or osama game, something like this
2023-05-22 17:58:21
Japan ahead of the rest of the world in everything like always... I just want to see some silly stuff like that with bigger variety of girls...
2023-04-13 02:40:17
not that i have any favourite but if i remember any good one i will send them here tomorrow
2023-04-13 03:28:21
Sure!!! Hopefully you inspire others to participate I should have mention my favourite one is External Doujin I have find are External / > Movie and Doujin are both solid, but Doujin have a bit more scenes making it superior And the doujin of mistreated bride (But I dont find the the doujin now...) and the animation was better by a lot
2023-04-13 14:25:38
allright i will put some here now! since you like monsters here are some that i know - (External ) aku onna kanbu - (External ) taimanin asagi 2 - (External ) princess knight catue some of dark skin - (External ) baka dakedo - (External ) tonari no ie no anette san - (External ) suketto sanjou some old ones - (External /) after class lesson - (External ) kazama mana some of hypnosis/**** - (External ) ijirare fukushuu saimin - (External ) saimin seishidou - (External ) elf princess nina - (External ) rinkan club and the last ones - (External ) boku to misaki sensei - (External ) himawari wa yoru ni saku - (External ) ushichichi tabehoudai - (External ) mizugi kanojo - (External ) chizuru chan kaihatsu nikki - (External ) ima kara atashi - (External ) gaki ni modotte yarinoshi - (External ) ecchi na onee chan ni shiboraretai - (External ) aneki no kounai kaikinbi - (External ) muttsuri do sukebe - (External ) kowaremono risa and the kowaremono risa plus - (External ) rinkan biyaku chuudoku - (External ) otome dori - (External ) gakuen saimin reido - (External ) akane wa tsumare somerareru - (External ) netokano - (External ) ajisai no chiru koro ni - (External ) natsu ga owaru made - (External ) jk to ero konbini tenchou - (External ) katainaka ni totsui de kita russia musume - (External ) daraku reijou the animation - (External ) sagurare otome
2023-04-13 14:29:25
i know some others but it would take time to find them since the majority i remember how it look like but not the name so i will put only those ones above! this is the last one for sure - (External ) fandeltales from derpixon
2023-04-13 14:39:03
That are more suggestions than expected lol I will later check, can recognize some names like Otome Dori, Rinkan Club, Knight Catue, After Class Lesson, Saimin Seishidou, maybe I have see others but I not always remember the names xD
2023-04-13 18:33:43
in addition some doujinshi that i think it would be cool to be animated someday - (External /) touma senki cecilia (i think that it will be hard for this one to get an animation since there's lots of fetish that is not done anymore on animations now adays) - (External /) erona 1 and 2 (for this one it maight happen someday) - (External /) - (External /) those are only 2 chapters but there are more from this story! about miya (who knows maybe some day this one get's an animation too! i would like)
2023-04-13 21:53:43
I already saw a few episodes of the last doujin, to first 2 are too long, I dont think I would read them, there is already quite a few time I stop reading so long doujins lol If External / or External / this become animations, I will be very happy, but monsters are a dead genere this days... NTR are more common so this ones are good options for animated version External / and this External the last one is a piece of art, best NTR doujin ever This one is romatic not my cup of tea but it was amazing, interesting plot and good scenes External /
2023-04-13 22:44:53
those doujin i send is like a small manga or something! i even know the name of the characters and all! from erona there is claudia the main girl of the part 1 lidia from part 2 geldrogo (or something simillar) is the orc, the characters from touma senki i remember them too that freijya is very hot that lunaria too, levina ulfiora intersting characters as well from the other there is miyako and tsumiki (i never was much into normal male and female hentai storys but i watch/read them once in a while)
2023-04-13 22:50:26
- (External /) demodori mama - (External /) hana wa nioedo very cool one - (External /) henai i like this one too
2023-04-25 17:46:10
mindinside hypnosis list is great hehe
2023-04-12 09:42:30
It been relased allredy
2023-04-12 14:23:46
Here you go External /
2023-04-12 15:10:46
2023-04-12 16:41:53
My fav part is after page 78 and doesnt appear anything of that, sad... Another sad reality is that defiinitivvely when it come to movies based on doujin, the doujin execution is 90% of the time better, It was awesome before when animated versions were an actual upgrade but now dont feel like that
2023-04-12 17:10:03
oh i saw that one before (not entierly though) it's quite interesting
2023-02-04 13:47:53
If it was that easy woulndt take you less time to just give me her name rather than wrote all your explanation? I was about to go to ***** when I wrote this :P
2023-02-04 18:45:07
And at the end of the day you give me the answer anyway which should have be faster than wrote your explanation twice lol
2023-02-24 01:02:21
wow calm there boys, no need to be like that for such trivial matters right!
2023-01-18 01:38:55
not to mention furries and non-humans like pokemon
2023-01-18 01:54:53
And star trek/star wars/star gate aliens too
2023-01-18 02:09:02
Furry was banned even before the prohibition of Incest, ****, Colors (That happen 5 years ago). Furry, ****s, ********** and Inhumans were prohibited since I joined 8 years ago
2023-01-18 07:42:14
# Pedroillusions Why? The "interwebs" are full of furry porn It has a vast following. I could live without **** or Gor and preteen ****s but ********** and alien species seem ok in my book. This is a NSFW site so up to a point anything should go IMVHO Like other venues if someone has a problem they can "Change the Channel" and go elsewhere. It would be better for the artists (more work $$$) and commissioners (more ideas to pick from) And of course artists can not bid on jobs that offend them and commissioners can only post ideas they want to see.